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Variational Animal Motion Embedding 0.1 Toolbox © K. Luxem & P. Bauer, Department of Cellular Neuroscience Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology, Magdeburg, Germany Licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0

The Model is partially adapted from the Timeseries Clustering repository developed by Tejas Lodaya:

Encoder Objects

class Encoder(nn.Module)

Encoder module of the Variational Autoencoder.


def __init__(NUM_FEATURES: int, hidden_size_layer_1: int,
hidden_size_layer_2: int, dropout_encoder: float)

Initialize the Encoder module.


  • NUM_FEATURES int - Number of input features.
  • hidden_size_layer_1 int - Size of the first hidden layer.
  • hidden_size_layer_2 int - Size of the second hidden layer.
  • dropout_encoder float - Dropout rate for regularization.


def forward(inputs: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor

Forward pass of the Encoder module.


  • inputs torch.Tensor - Input tensor of shape (batch_size, sequence_length, num_features).


  • torch.Tensor - Encoded representation tensor of shape (batch_size, hidden_size_layer_1 * 4).

Lambda Objects

class Lambda(nn.Module)

Lambda module for computing the latent space parameters.


def __init__(ZDIMS: int, hidden_size_layer_1: int, softplus: bool)

Initialize the Lambda module.


  • ZDIMS int - Size of the latent space.
  • hidden_size_layer_1 int - Size of the first hidden layer.
  • hidden_size_layer_2 int, deprecated - Size of the second hidden layer.
  • softplus bool - Whether to use softplus activation for logvar.


def forward(
hidden: torch.Tensor
) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]

Forward pass of the Lambda module.


  • hidden torch.Tensor - Hidden representation tensor of shape (batch_size, hidden_size_layer_1 * 4).


tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: Latent space tensor, mean tensor, logvar tensor.

Decoder Objects

class Decoder(nn.Module)

Decoder module of the Variational Autoencoder.


def __init__(TEMPORAL_WINDOW: int, ZDIMS: int, NUM_FEATURES: int,
hidden_size_rec: int, dropout_rec: float)

Initialize the Decoder module.


  • TEMPORAL_WINDOW int - Size of the temporal window.
  • ZDIMS int - Size of the latent space.
  • NUM_FEATURES int - Number of input features.
  • hidden_size_rec int - Size of the recurrent hidden layer.
  • dropout_rec float - Dropout rate for regularization.


def forward(inputs: torch.Tensor, z: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor

Forward pass of the Decoder module.


  • inputs torch.Tensor - Input tensor of shape (batch_size, seq_len, ZDIMS).
  • z torch.Tensor - Latent space tensor of shape (batch_size, ZDIMS).


  • torch.Tensor - Decoded output tensor of shape (batch_size, seq_len, NUM_FEATURES).

Decoder_Future Objects

class Decoder_Future(nn.Module)

Decoder module for predicting future sequences.


def __init__(TEMPORAL_WINDOW: int, ZDIMS: int, NUM_FEATURES: int,
FUTURE_STEPS: int, hidden_size_pred: int, dropout_pred: float)

Initialize the Decoder_Future module.


  • TEMPORAL_WINDOW int - Size of the temporal window.
  • ZDIMS int - Size of the latent space.
  • NUM_FEATURES int - Number of input features.
  • FUTURE_STEPS int - Number of future steps to predict.
  • hidden_size_pred int - Size of the prediction hidden layer.
  • dropout_pred float - Dropout rate for regularization.


def forward(inputs: torch.Tensor, z: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor

Forward pass of the Decoder_Future module.


  • inputs torch.Tensor - Input tensor of shape (batch_size, seq_len, ZDIMS).
  • z torch.Tensor - Latent space tensor of shape (batch_size, ZDIMS).


  • torch.Tensor - Predicted future tensor of shape (batch_size, FUTURE_STEPS, NUM_FEATURES).

RNN_VAE Objects

class RNN_VAE(nn.Module)

Variational Autoencoder module.


def __init__(TEMPORAL_WINDOW: int, ZDIMS: int, NUM_FEATURES: int,
FUTURE_DECODER: bool, FUTURE_STEPS: int, hidden_size_layer_1: int,
hidden_size_layer_2: int, hidden_size_rec: int,
hidden_size_pred: int, dropout_encoder: float, dropout_rec: float,
dropout_pred: float, softplus: bool)

Initialize the VAE module.


  • TEMPORAL_WINDOW int - Size of the temporal window.
  • ZDIMS int - Size of the latent space.
  • NUM_FEATURES int - Number of input features.
  • FUTURE_DECODER bool - Whether to include a future decoder.
  • FUTURE_STEPS int - Number of future steps to predict.
  • hidden_size_layer_1 int - Size of the first hidden layer.
  • hidden_size_layer_2 int - Size of the second hidden layer.
  • hidden_size_rec int - Size of the recurrent hidden layer.
  • hidden_size_pred int - Size of the prediction hidden layer.
  • dropout_encoder float - Dropout rate for encoder.


def forward(seq: torch.Tensor) -> tuple

Forward pass of the VAE.


  • seq torch.Tensor - Input sequence tensor of shape (batch_size, seq_len, NUM_FEATURES).


Tuple containing:

  • If FUTURE_DECODER is True:
  • prediction (torch.Tensor): Reconstructed input sequence tensor.
  • future (torch.Tensor): Predicted future sequence tensor.
  • z (torch.Tensor): Latent representation tensor.
  • mu (torch.Tensor): Mean of the latent distribution tensor.
  • logvar (torch.Tensor): Log variance of the latent distribution tensor.
  • If FUTURE_DECODER is False:
  • prediction (torch.Tensor): Reconstructed input sequence tensor.
  • z (torch.Tensor): Latent representation tensor.
  • mu (torch.Tensor): Mean of the latent distribution tensor.
  • logvar (torch.Tensor): Log variance of the latent distribution tensor.